Written for me dear sweet mother! Early on in my writing I wanted to write something like the tunes my mom would sing at her kitchen table. And they all had that Irvin Berlin old style written when songs were perfect. A tall order, I know. But this is the tune


I thought of an old song last night in bed
It haunted my dreams for awhile
It played for an hour around in my head
Each time it ended I smiled
Now, dreams are like lovers
They come and they go
Sad songs are what they leave behind
I'll go to sleep and I'll dream of the song
That I sang back when you were mine

Once in a dream I was playing guitar
I dreamt you were singing along
The love that we sang was so real and so true
It could only be found in a song
When I awoke you faded away
Gone was the rhythm and rhyme
So I'll go to sleep and I'll dream of the song
That I sang back when you were mine

So I'll go to sleep and I'll dream of the song
That I sang back when you were mine

I thought of an old song last night in bed
It haunted my dreams for awhile
It played for an hour around in my head
Each time it ended I smiled
Now, dreams are like lovers
They come and they go
Sad songs are what they leave behind
I'll go to sleep and I'll dream of the song
That I sang back when you were mine

I'll go to sleep and I'll dream of the song
That I sang back when you were mine